Orion Smith
Animation Student
Interested in storyboarding & character design internships & career opportunities.
Contact: orionsdrawings@gmail.com
Twitter: @stardevoir
Instagram: @stardevoir

This animatic is still in progress, but is for a 3D animated short I wrote and will be animating called "Midnight Snack"
These storyboards are for a project I wrote, DEAD NAME, a retelling of Jack & Jill meant to serve as a PSA for suicide prevention in trans youth.
You can read the whole story here:
These thumbnails are for a segment of "Psychic Kid!" (Created by Nick Hirsch) a short by RUC Animation Alliance that is still in production.
These storyboards are episodic snippets of a larger story featuring a teenage werewolf and her five undead friends who, despite their differences, come together to fight evil.
A group of undead creatures (plus one werewolf) navigate NYC:
More of this Adventure:
A devil has had enough of her ghost roommate and her ectoplasmic messes:
Max discovers something new about her werewolfism:
More of this adventure:
Monsters You Know:
A series of comics in progress about a young adult and their existential struggle with being a shapeshifter.
Short animatics/animations:
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